#08: Low Level Behaviours, Big Level Frustrations! How to start to shift the low level disruptions that are stopping you from getting on with teaching.

the unteachables podcast Jun 27, 2024

When I ask teachers what their biggest classroom behaviour challenges are, MOST of the time I will hear….


Low. Level. Behaviours. 




For SO many teachers, these behaviours sit in this difficult grey area. They are annoying enough to completely derail a lesson, but not quite severe enough to warrant a big response. They are the behaviours that stop the learning, and make you want to chuck in the towel and run screaming out of the lesson!


The calling out, the talking over, the tapping, the funny noises, the disengagement, the coming late and leaving early, the whispers, the chatter, the laugher, the throwing things across the room and talking with friends, the blatant ”no” to your requests. 


This episode takes you through my own journey of learning how to not just address, but mitigate and reduce these behaviours, and guides you to do the same through a few of my top non-verbal classroom management strategies!

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