#61. “Make me a sandwich”. How we can address the alarming misogyny present in our classrooms.

the unteachables podcast Jun 27, 2024

In the wake of recent events sparking renewed conversations about gender-based violence, the imperative for educators to address misogyny in the classroom has never been more pressing. Samantha Schulz's article, "Make me a sandwich," sheds light on a disturbing reality: the behaviors and language male students exhibit that perpetuate sexist and abusive attitudes towards their female teachers.

In planning for this podcast and the guide that you can access above, I reached out to educators (from Australia) and what they shared about their own experiences reinforced the concerns in Schultz’s research. From dismissive attitudes towards female teachers to alarming comments about gender roles and sexuality, the spectrum of issues, ranging from subtle yet insidious remarks to overtly misogynistic comments, demands our attention and action.

Yet, our response must be as nuanced as the issue at hand itself. We cannot resort to shaming or isolating our students; instead, we must seize each interaction as an opportunity for buy-in and education. This episode, and the attached guide, aims to equip teachers with strategies to do just that; to address misogyny effectively and strategically. 

By taking these steps, we not only create safer spaces for our students but also do our part to contribute to a broader cultural shift. None of us can do this alone, and we can all play a small part.

In this episode I provide you with a 4 step roadmap to feeling more confident and empowered addressing misogynistic and other problematic comments in the classroom.

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