#54: So if punishment is OFF the table, what is ON it when it comes to behaviour? 3 tangible takeaways to implementing a non-punitive classroom management approach.
Jun 27, 2024
So the research shows that punishment doesn’t change behaviour? So then what do we actually do as teachers?
What’s on the table when other things feel like they are off it?
In today's episode:
- I give you a few ins and outs of the impact of punitive punishment
- Why sometimes it seems to really work
- 3 really tangible takeaways you can immediately apply in your classrooms
Speaking of research, want to have a read? Here are some good places to start:
Jean-Richard-Dit-Bressel P, Killcross S, McNally GP. Behavioral and neurobiological mechanisms of punishment: implications for psychiatric disorders. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2018;43(8):1639-1650. doi:10.1038/s41386-018-0047-3
Lukowiak T, Bridges J. Punishment strategies: First choice or last resort. JAASEP. 2010:63-72.
A great book that will sum up a bunch of research on punishments and rewards is Alfie Kohn's book Punished by Rewards.