#31: The 'Why' That Drives Our Behaviour (The 'Good', the 'Bad', and the 'Ugly'): The 5 Basic Needs

the unteachables podcast Jun 27, 2024

Today, we're diving deep into a common saying in the behavior management world: "Behavior is communication." But let's be honest, it's so broad that it often leaves us wondering, "What are they really trying to tell us?" Well, in this episode, I've got you covered!

In this episode I will be:

  • Unraveling the true meaning behind "Behavior is communication" and how it relates to our students' unmet needs.
  • Understanding the concept of Choice Theory and how our students' choices are influenced by five fundamental needs.
  • How challenging student behaviour is a result of them trying to meet their unmet needs (and how to use this to help us proactively classroom manage)

Grab a cuppa and tune in!

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