#28: Are You Setting Your Students Up for Success, or Failure (Without Even Realising It)?

the unteachables podcast Jun 27, 2024

On today's episode I dive into how our beliefs and assumptions about our students have a direct correlation with either their success, OR their failure.

These are the Pygmalion and Golem effects. The self-fulfilling prophesy.

The 1968 Rosenthal and Jacobson study concluded that when a teacher expects a student to excel, that student is more likely to perform well, while students who are expected to struggle or underperform, often do so.

Listen in to hear about:

  • The things that we do as teachers that unknowingly stop students from succeeding or progressing in the way they could.
  • The challenges and barriers to actually believing in the success of all of our students (because it's not as straight forward as just saying 'I believe in you'
  • How we can use this as a powerful tool for increasing student academic success and helping even the most 'unteachable' students break barriers and succeed.

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