#19: The behaviour management trap that is keeping teachers stuck in survival mode
Jun 27, 2024
On this week's episode I am going to be talking about the entire narrative around behaviour management that is getting teachers stuck in PURE survival mode. It is a trap!
And what is the trap?
Seeing behaviour management is solely that. Behaviour management. Just about responding to and addressing behaviour.
It keeps teachers in a viscous never-ending cycle. Particularly with low level behaviours that can't necessarily be resolved by doing anything about every little frustrating micromoment.
It isn't getting down into those mechanics. It's not asking the right questions because what the hell do we ask anyway. It is seeing resolving behaviour as a reactionary task.
And it is not really doing what we need to do... what we really need to do to effectively manage behaviours is weave classroom management into every single fibre of what we do pedagogically as teachers.
Because, my friends, it is so much more than just the behaviour.
This episode, I am going to be giving you 3 examples of proactively classroom management that will support you to shift some of those challenging behaviours.